Council decides to limit child abuse checks

Waltham Forest Councillors will no longer be the subject of checks to protect our vulnerable children and adults unless they meet them once a week or more than 3 days per month or between the hours of 2am and 6am.

All councillors are Corporate Parents to all of the children in Council care, so they should actively safeguard and protect those who are looked after. Abuse of children has now been shown to have taken place for many years in and out of Council homes across the country. It is important therefore that residents are confident that all of our all Councillors should have a criminal records check even if they never work with children or only do so rarely.

Councillors are people who can be trusted with our children.

Liberal Democrat campaigner Mahmood Faiz says, ‘All councillors therefore should be checked.’

PETITION: click here to sign the petition.

NEWS UPDATE – 620 High Road Leytonstone


620 High Road

In the face of strong opposition from local residents the Gambling Act Sub-Committee approved the gaming licence for the planning Paddy Power branch at 620 High Road Leytonstone.

As previously reported the Planning Officers, under new legislation, have already refused an planning application for change of use to a betting shop.

Residents have raised the strongest possible opposition to the continued, apparently, avaricious advance of betting offices across Waltham Forest.

The last ditch in this fight will be decided in Whitehall if Paddy Power, as suspected, appeals the decision of the Planning Officers.

CAVENDISH DRIVE – Tree to be removed

Cavendish Drive – dying tree

The FOCUS Team has been advised that the tree opposite number 161 Cavendish Drive is dying, and has been scheduled for removal.

The Tree Officer has confirmed that it will be felled leaving a stump about 1m high so that it does not become a trip hazard.

The stump will then be ground out and the site will be prepared for a replacement tree, which will be planted during the new planting season which runs from November 2014 to March 2015.


Don’t forget to have your say on Transport for London’s proposed changes to ticket offices by 28 September

Transport for London has recently outlined its vision for the future of the tube which, amongst other things, proposes changes to ticket offices.

As the statutory consumer body representing the interests of passengers in and around London, London Travel Watch wants to ensure that any changes to the way that London Underground operates are in the best overall interests of consumers.

To ensure that this happens, they have been running a six-week consultation on their website  to give passengers the opportunity to review TfL’s planned ticket office changes so that they can tell us what tickets they buy, any difficulties they foresee and the mitigation measures they would like to see implemented at their local stations.

London Travel Watch will then feed back the survey results to TfL to give them a chance to make any amendments before the changes are introduced.

The consultation will end on 28 September 2014 at:


PLANNING NEWS – 620 High Road Leytonstone

620 High Road Leytonstone – site of planned Paddy Power betting shop

Council rejects Paddy Power’s planning application for change of use.

This week the council’s Planning Officers, under new regulations, refused the Paddy Power application for change oof use to class A2 (betting Office) for the premises at 620 High Road Leytonstone.

The reasons for refusal included:

  • The proposal would result in the clustering of betting shop uses within a limited section of Leytonstone High Road, which would detract from the retail appeal of the area and fail to contribute to the Council’s regeneration objectives for the area thus adversely impacting upon the retail vitality and viability of this are contrary to Policy CS14 of the adopted Waltham Forest Local Plan Core Strategy (2012) and Policy DM25 of the adopted Waltham Forest Development Management Policies (2013).
  • The proposed change of use would result in a cluster of betting shops which may lead to anti-social behaviour issues and increased incidents of street crime within the locality which could effect the health and well-being of local residents, contrary to Policies CS13 and CS16 of the Local Care Plan Core Strategy and Policy DM25 of the Development Management Policies.

The FOCUS Team queried the approval of the subsidiary applications for a new shop front, air conditioing and aerials. It appears that planning law does not allow officers to link applications, each has to be treated as individual requests, and there were no reassons for refusal.

It now remains to be seen whether Paddy Power decide to appeal this ruling.

The Liberal Democrats will keep you informed of any developments.

STOP PRESS – The gaming license for these premises is due to be heard by the Licensing Panel on 6 October.


Waltham Forest Council decides to limit child abuse checks

Waltham Forest Councillors will no longer be the subject of checks to protect our vulnerable children and adults unless they meet them once a week or more than 3 days per month or between the hours of 2am and 6am.

All councillors are Corporate Parents to all of the children in Council care, so they should actively safeguard and protect those who are looked after. Abuse of children has now been shown to have taken place for many years in and out of Council homes across the country.

It is important therefore that residents are confident that all of our Councillors are people who can be trusted with our children.

Abuse of children has now been shown to have taken place for many years in and out of Council homes across the country.

It is important therefore that residents are confident that all of our Councillors are people who can be trusted with our children.

If you agree with our views on protecting our children click here to sign the petition.



Waltham Forest’s Labour run Council has voted to give the Chief Executive of the Council a whopping inflation busting pay rise of £15,000 – an 8% increase. This makes his salary £195,000! Even the Prime Minister only gets £142,000.

Labour councillors said it was reward for overseeing council cuts.

Given that the cuts were a loss of 1,000 jobs plus salary cuts to the rest of the council staff should this have been rewarded?

On top of that, Labour councillors voted to give the redundant deputy chief executive a massive £140,000 pay off.

You can be assured that the staff who lost their jobs did not receive any golden pay offs.

Can you believe the way this Labour Council spends your money. Last year they increased the Deputy leader’s pay by 25%.

The Liberal Democrats will keep on reporting the arrogant and wasteful ways that this Council spends your money.

Your Money Down The Drain


PLANNING NEWS – 672 High Road Leytonstone


672 High Road Leytonstone

Planning Application No. 2014/1414 – 672 High Road Leytonstone

This application proposed a change of use from storage to a restaurant and cafe with a first floor extension. It was refused by the council’s planning officers.

Full details of the reasons may be seen on the Planning Explorer on the council’s website by quoting the application number

PLANNING NEWS – Crosby House, 2A Carlton Road

Planning Application number 2014/1077 – CROSBY HOUSE, 2A Carlton Road

An application was lodge to the following conditions of the original planning approval (2009/0762):

  • CONDITION 3 – increase opening hours to 09.00 to 23.00 Monday to Saturday and 09.00 to 22.00 on Sundays and Bank holidays
  • CONDITION 6 – remove limit on numbers attending
  • COMDITION 7 – remove restriction of use by young persons only, to allow use by all age groups.

This application was refused with informatives. Further details may be found under the council’s planning explorer quoting application number 2014/1077.